Q: What is AITP?
A: AITP stands for the Association for Information Technology Professionals. It is an organization that provides networking experiences for its members by connecting them with other IT students, IT professionals, and businesses.
Q: How do I become a AITP member?
A: First: Join the National AITP Chapter.
Second: Sign up with UHD AITP.
Fill in the form through to register with the UHD Chapter of AITP.
Third: Enjoy your time and experience with AITP!
Q: When should I renew my membership?
A: You can renew your membership annually to receive a wide range of benefits, speaker series and networking events.
Q: How do I apply for scholarships?
A: There are many scholarships available through FITE and can be viewed on their scholarship page. The scholarships vary for all IT students as well as members of specific chapters.
Q: What are the benefits when becoming a AITP member?
A: As a member of the organization, you will have access the highest quality IT educational opportunities & certification discounts.