Why Join AITP?

join-aitpJoining AITP can help you enhance your career as an information technology specialist by networking and meeting all different kinds of people in the IT space. Stay up to date with all the latest practices and ideas from the various events, webinars, field trips and speakers present at AITP meetings. You can strengthen your knowledge and connections to be an informed user as well as create a strong network that can land you a job or a major opportunity. Come join us at the UHD AITP chapter to meet up with your classmates, colleagues, and hopefully your future employer! Remember, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, it still takes people make the difference!

As of Spring 2017, AITP is now partnered with CompTIA! That means even more major opportunities for you to grow your network, enhance your skills, or gain various certifications. Join today to get access discounted CompTIA certification courses and more!